PACIFICA Collection - CLD Proudly Supporting Sea Shepherd

"No one can do everything, but everyone can do something"*

Welcome to the very first CLD blog post! ♡

I'm not usually a writer as words don't come easily to me - my expression is through my creations - but this is for such an awesome cause and I felt the story behind why needed to be shared.

I truly believe that the only way you can give more in life, and really make an impact, is by first having more.  This is one of the the reasons why I continue to evolve and grow Cassie Louise Designs, so I have the abundance to give back and support causes that are close to my heart.

Being a cancerian I have an undeniable connection with the ocean and have always been so obsessed with the beach and fascinated by marine life - in primary school I had my own "killer whale club", a dolphin themed birthday party and wanted to be a Marine Biologist "when I grow up!"

For me, and so many, the ocean is a calming force, a sanctuary and such a vast and mysterious wonder of the world that deserves to be cherished, worshiped and protected.

I thought I was doing enough to protect our oceans.. always being conscious of littering, reducing plastic and chemical consumption and four years ago choosing a vegan lifestyle, until I watched Seaspiracy on Netflix and realised there is so much MORE we can do, every single day.  Refusing to use plastic straws really is "only a drop in the ocean".

This is when the concept of the CLD PACIFICA Collection was born with the intention to help support Sea Shepherd who are on the front line, out in the oceans, making a massive impact in the fight to save our sea.

"No one can do everything, but everyone can do something" - *Sylvia Earle, Marine Biologist featured on Seaspiracy

Cassie Louise Designs PACIFICA - Proudly Supporting Sea Shepherd

"Sea Shepherd's mission is to protect defenceless marine wildlife and end the destruction of habitat in the world’s oceans. Since 1977, Sea Shepherd has used innovative direct action tactics to defend, conserve and protect the delicately-balanced biodiversity of our seas and enforce international conservation laws."

80% of profits from the PACIFICA collection is donated to Sea Shepherd.


Make some time today to watch Seaspiracy and learn more about why this cause is so important - "because if the ocean dies, we die".

Proudly Supporting Sea Shepherd

1 comment

  • Well done Cassie – we can’t thank you enough for your support. Can’t wait for 8am tomorrow cheers Nicole


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