How you can help save the ocean... without spending a cent!

"No one can do everything, but everyone can do something"

Marine Biologist Sylvia Earle

This is my “something”

A dolphin splashing in aqua blue ocean

You can help save our oceans and do your "something" without spending a cent with these four ideas you can action TODAY!

1. Make time today to watch Seaspiracy

Did you know that our oceans are home to up to 80% of all life on earth, or that up to 85% of the worlds oxygen comes from phytoplankton?

Self education is essential to understanding how the choices you make every day can make an impact on our ocean.  By watching Seaspiracy you can learn how to make small changes to reduce your personal impact and help towards saving our sea.

"If the ocean dies, we die"

You can find Seaspiracy on Netflix or via

2. Support Sea Shepherd

"Sea Shepherd is an international, non-profit marine conservation organisation that campaigns to defend, conserve and protect the world’s ocean and all marine life."

Volunteer in your hometown, attend a Sea Shepherd beach clean-up or other event near you, share information from the Sea Shepherd website with friends and family to raise awareness and sign petitions to make a stand. 

"Think Globally, Act Locally"

3. Become a more conscious consumer

Choose plastic free everywhere possible, BYO coffee cup or container for food, refuse, reuse and recycle, choose quality over quantity, take 3 for the sea and educate yourself and your children on the impact our actions make.

Purchase every day products from companies and non-profit organisations that support your values and companies that give back to help to make a difference.

4. Shift to a plant based diet

It's not as scary as it sounds, I promise, and it's a win win for our oceans, planet and your own health & wellbeing!

I chose to shift to a vegan lifestyle over four years ago after watching all the Netflix documentaries and I have never looked back!  There are SO MANY incredible cruelty free alternatives for almost every meal and purpose that make it so much easier to make the shift.

You can access a two week plant based meal plan, created by nutritionist Simon Hill from Plant Proof, by signing up to his mailing list here

There are so many fantastic online resources and blogs with free vegan recipes!  A few of my favourites are: Elsas Wholesome Life, Choosing ChiaPlant Proof and an inspirational friend, educator and incredible mumma & recipe creator Emilly Sonsie ♡

Please reach out if you would like more recipe ideas, documentary suggestions or just want to chat - I am here to help, without any judgement because EVERY single animal free meal and lifestyle swap helps make a difference.

♡ Cass


I'd love to hear if you have have been inspired, made a donation, signed a petition, made a plant based swap or watched Seaspiracy... comment below and share your "something" with me!

Find out why Cassie Louise Designs proudly supports Sea Shepherd, with 80% of profit from the PACIFICA collection donated, via our previous blog posts.
Proudly Supporting Sea Shepherd

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